Everyone who is in the business
can’t be really surprised that the
USA has the biggest group of
Facebookers (110 million users
on Facebook). The figures show
us that the second position is
occupied with United Kingdom
where is 23 million Facebookers.
It means that in absolute
numbers the USA has around
87 million more on Facebook
then UK. Again in numbers
it’s about 4.5 times more.
It’s really interesting that other
positions are occupied by
Indonesia and Turkey.
Many marketers ask for
penetration like Harry Potter
with a magic wand. You can get
it (I mean figures of penetration
not a magic wand, sorry) for
free from Facebakers.com but
you have to be careful and
compare it with a whole
population of a chosen country.
In figures we can see that first
position with highest
penetration is occupied by
Iceland with 55.12%. If you read
newspapers you know that
citizens of Iceland aren’t your
target because they don’t have
money (or at least their banks
don't). United Kingdom is sixth
in penetration with 38.31% and
USA is tenth with 35.92%.
Having in mind salaries in these
countries and population you
can seriously work with
penetration because in these
cases it makes sense to
advertise/to sell something.
Penetration on Facebook isn’t
everything but it’s useful if you
know how to work with other
indicators. High penetration is
mostly in small countries with
easy access to internet
connection. Look at the figures
and you find this 2. Norway,
3. Denmark, 5. Singapore, 7. Hong
Kong, 11. Sweden, 12. Malta,
13. Israel and so on. In these
countries you have to know
pretty well what people really
want a how much they are
willing to buy because high
penetration means nothing with
small population.
Healthy penetration with middle
(around 10 millions citizens) or
high population is at least about
20%. We are talking about
4. Canada, 8. Australia,
23. France, 26. Italy, 36. Czech
republic etc. If you see lower
number you can be sure that
you have fewer possibilities to
reach your target – especially in
case of services or specialized
goods. But in some countries
you probably can get good
results although they are small
in population – 13. Israel,
15. Ireland, 17. Finland,
19. Belgium and many others
look worth to do business.
Facebook is smart tool but its
users are smart too. If you want
success on Facebook you have
to know your customers and
their possibilities. Many people
in business consider penetration
or population as the most
important indicators. We already
know that it’s important but not
On Facebakers.com, we are also
preparing penetration to online
population, which will be
available very soon on our.
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